
1.    the language or dialect spoken by ordinary people in a particular country or region.

2.    architecture/design concerned with domesticity and function.

vernacular is a term adopted from linguistics, meaning the speech of ordinary people, or a group of people. In architectural terms it identifies structures and living spaces of ordinary people that characterize the style of a place or region.   

Suzanne and Jeff Knipp began working together to help clients find their style and individual design voice over 5 years ago.  Suzanne’s design career started with Sherry Hayslip Design in Dallas, Texas and led to working on her own there for 10 years.  Jeff’s design career started in the film/tv industry, based in Los Angeles, for 25 years as Art Director and Production Designer on projects that gave him the responsibility of the  design, budget, construction, dressing, and delivery process for hundreds of sets (see for film/tv credits).  Texas roots and Luby’s Cafeteria (… long story) got these two started on a lifelong creative path together.

Suzanne and Jeff can take you from concept thru design and drawings, construction oversight, and interior design in relation to colors, paint, and furnishings.  All to help in making your house a home of the vernacular that tells your story. 

vernacular design - Making the world a better place… one room at a time.


jeff knipp  ::  310.795.8023  ::    |    suzanne knipp  ::  214.384.9899  ::
3112 windsor road, suite 132  ::  austin, texas